By-Two Kaapi in an oilfield

The weblog of Abhilash Ravishankar, India.

Here I blog about my personal experiences [posting rarely]

At my tumblelog Intoxicated by possibility I blog about my opinions/likes/dislikes [posting heavily]

Life it seems, will fade away

Bye. 'Nite.
Search frantically in the music library. Pump up the speaker volume to the maximum. The music blares. The vocal chords groan in agony. The throat tries to empty the extreme heaviness. Lay beside me... The fragrance oozes out of nowhere. Memories plague the mind. The eyes swell as the head bangs to the rhythm. No, there's no sun shining through...The throat explodes. The mosh pit comes alive. The knees collapse. Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone...The fists clench and smash the metal railing on the bed. The head's tired of swaying, and collapses on the bed. 'cause I'm the one who waits, The one who waits for you...The weakness creeps in. Blood halts. Eyelids droop. Everything lies motionless. Or are you unforgiven too...The pain is gone. Vented out. Driven back to its usual place in one corner of the cephalon.

Triumphantly, select the next song...
I was me, but now he's gone.


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