By-Two Kaapi in an oilfield

The weblog of Abhilash Ravishankar, India.

Here I blog about my personal experiences [posting rarely]

At my tumblelog Intoxicated by possibility I blog about my opinions/likes/dislikes [posting heavily]

By-Two Kaapi (Two-point-oh!)

From the sands of Thar to the rivers of the Deccan.
To By-Two Kaapi 2.0 (pronounced two-point-oh!)

Finally, the migration is done(except labeling). Shift to the new blogger is also taken care of. Life has changed from what it was at BITS. And so have I. And so has this blog.

New life. New ideas. New dreams. New goals. New joys.
Here's Two-Point Oh!

(Snap taken at the backwaters of the Kabini River, Karnataka, India)

So you think you can tell?

Heaven from hell,
Blue skies from pain,
A green field from a cold steel rail,
A smile from a veil,
Achievement from mediocrity,
Joy from ruin,
The right choice from the wrong.

Things you can never tell.
At least till you die.

[Deng Xiaoping once said in the 1980s that it is too early to say what the implications of the French Revolution of 1804 are! That's how life is, ain't it?]

And so, I turned the page

On a long and lonesome highway, I set upon
My journey out of Pilani.
And here I am, on the road again ... Just that I have no clue about where I'm going.
Yes, turn the page.

Mama, I'm coming home

It's official. This is my last post from BITS Pilani.

In 50 hours I will be gone from this place which has changed the course of my life by a good margin. Yes, I am going to miss it. I am going to miss the people. But as Lynyrd Skynyrd put it -
If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be traveling on, now,
'Cause there's too many places I've got to see.

I'm dead sure I'll return here one fine morning, and soak myself in the morning sun, walking around the place, sipping a chai. Yes, one day, I shall be back.

And till then, shine on!

The Treachery of a Blog

The painting on the left is by Varun's favorite surrealist artist René Magritte.

The painting is titled The Treachery Of Images (La trahison des images). What struck me in the painting was the words on the painting, which when translated mean - "This is not a pipe."

How apt!
It is NOT a pipe. It is the image of a pipe. (Doesn't it sound like one of those jokes the 2nd grade kid who live next door talks about?)

Look at it in a surrealist way, and you'll realize that the pipe in the painting is not real. The image just betrayed you!

The first thing that hit my head as an analogy was the whole blogosphere. People blog, become famous, attend blog conferences, make blog b-cards, and what not! And we all have an image of that favorite blogger of ours. But does it truly characterize that person? Well, the blog just betrayed you, mate!

Don't believe me (in this blog)!

Life updates:
Just finished writing my last examination in BITS. I'll never miss writing one, though!

6 and counting ...

6 more days here at BITS Pilani.

Chilly winds froze my coffee, as I walked back to my room, thinking about how life is going to change in 6 days. So, what do I feel - sorrow? happiness? anxiety? excitement? Can't really answer that question. All I know for certain is that I've got an exam tomorrow, and I better cram! I also know that this might be my last post from a BITS Pilani proxy.

Life Updates:
Starting Jan, I shall be interning in Genesis Microchip Inc. in Bengalooru.

As I move out of BITS, this blog shall move to By-Two Kaapi 2.0. Right now, I am porting it to v2.0 and nightlies will be seen on this site for another month. And to hell with all posts having snaps! (That was a sick idea!)


This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of the people, institutions or organizations that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly.


This blog and me


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