By-Two Kaapi in an oilfield

The weblog of Abhilash Ravishankar, India.

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Forever trust in who we are ....

....and nothing else matters - sung Metallica in one of their most famous singles. After 4.5 months of gruelling torture at the hands of the dreaded EEE courses here, I have matured! Not in terms of my knowledge of 3-phase induction motors, lithography, differential amplifiers - but in the understanding of the nuances of life, the universe and everything.

The last semester surely goes down as the worst academic time of my entire life. And also goes down as the most unproductive time of all times since the last couple of years.

But, then it is time again for a fresh dose of yet another 4.5 months of dreaded EEE courses. Again. Yet again. But things are a changed. Things have moved on. And so, have I.

This new year, got off to a rocking start with my first internship offer in my inbox. And that too, a big one! And I am back at BITS with an opportunity to earn around $200 a month for this semester. And, some decent chances of me getting an internship somewhere in India as well looks pretty good.

New found vistas. Of those that I would love to drown and die in.
New found hopes. Of sanity still prevailing in the world.
New found vision. For which I would die for.

And as Metallica said - it is just to 'Forever trust in who we are......and Nothing Else Matters'

PS. Will somebody help me get this irritating cough out of my throats!


  1. Jitterplate said...
    woah! 200$ a month? 200 friggin' dollars a month???

    i covet you so much.
    yanyway, this is me.

    follow the link.
    and yea, for your own happiness ignore the mopey, broke-up-with-boyfriend posts, namely:

    and a couple of others...but i really don't think you'll go into the archives.
    anyway, chk out a puff of smoke.
    pure fantasy and good fun too!
    Abhilash Ravishankar said...
    $200 .....hehe.....hope I clinch it ;) - a couple of years and i'll hear dollars jingling in your pockets as well.. till then, as u said in one of your posts - keep counting!

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