By-Two Kaapi in an oilfield

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Podcast on entrepreneurship @ BITS

Prof. L K Maheshwari talks on the Kirubashow! (He's the VC of BITS Pilani, chief!)
Ain't that cool?

It is. Trust me.
Given the fact that none of the big Indian Universities (read IITs, BITS) are riding the web 2.0 wave to garner more coverage.

I am very impressed with Prof. LKM for his immense belief in entrepreneurship, and the best part is that he goes all out to encourage it.
IMO, IITB is arguably the best Indian University at the Undergrad level for entrepreneurship. Look at their website, and what strikes you is the emphasis on entrepreneurship. They take pride in that very approach of theirs. Commendable.
During my days at Pilani, I once told a group of faculty headed by Prof. LKM himself that BITS should brand itself as 'India's #1 University for Entrepreneurial Leadership'. Though, it's far-fetched, it might just become a reality thanks to LKM's vision to create a Silicon Valley infrastructure around BITS Pilani.


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