By-Two Kaapi in an oilfield

The weblog of Abhilash Ravishankar, India.

Here I blog about my personal experiences [posting rarely]

At my tumblelog Intoxicated by possibility I blog about my opinions/likes/dislikes [posting heavily]

Online on the go: My mobile web apps

I got hooked on to GPRS a couple of days back. (The Inside story: Hutch sends me an offer waiving their 50 bucks GPRS activation charge and the recurring 50 bucks a month rental, and activated GPRS for me. Maybe because I was a high-volume customer! The catch was that I would have to pay a rupee per 100kb of data transfer. Seemed decent to me, and I fell for it. PlanetHutch sucks though!)

And man, am I loving it! All those boring bus journeys are becoming so much more interesting! Here are the web apps that I am hooked on to these days on my mobile:

  • Gmail: As usual it rocks on the web too!
  • Twitter: The full power of Twitter is when you can twitter on the go. Kickass!
  • GoogReader: Reading feeds on a long long journey. Peace!
  • Facebook: This is why Facebook sells(will sell) more than Orkut. Imagine voyuering around on profiles when you're bored!
  • Zook: An upcoming local search engine. Pretty neat! Caught a preview in Barcamp Bangalore 3.
  • GCal: Though, 30boxes comes a close second, I prefer Gcal because of its SMS alerts.
  • Rememberthemilk: Lovely to-do list functionality: Don't use it much, but still, love it!
Tsk...Tsk...Do you use a kickass mobile app? Tell me.

Wow! One in every 11 people logging on to the web across the world through mobiles turning out to be an Indian (9% of the world mobile web users!), reports Rediff.
And for the record, I browse on a lowly Nokia 3100. Damn.

Update 1: GCal and 30boxes, both don't allow me to edit an event's time on my mobile. Atleast 30boxes allows me to delete an event and add a new event in place of it.

Update 2: Made a mobile-friendly homepage for myself.


  1. Anonymous said...
    30 Boxes does SMS alerts
    Abhilash Ravishankar said...
    Not in India, Narendra!
    sameer said...
    Glad you liked Zook's early version. Changes in the offing - in a couple of weeks. If you'd like to not/see something specific, please lemme know.
    astrology, vedic astrology said...
    wahoo very great stuff man really this ia very good blog

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