By-Two Kaapi in an oilfield

The weblog of Abhilash Ravishankar, India.

Here I blog about my personal experiences [posting rarely]

At my tumblelog Intoxicated by possibility I blog about my opinions/likes/dislikes [posting heavily]

I am just a dreamer....I dream my life away...

Well, as I sit in front of my comp listening to the song "Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne; the whole of my wing studies bigtime for the exams.

I read the blog of a person who is pursuing his B.E.- EEE here at BITS Pilani (he is about to passout , though ). He is at the very crossroads of his career.....dreams of being a MBA from the IIMs.....fails in CAT 2k4.....takes time to recover from the shock.....questions the very dream of his to be a MBA.....and then...BOUNCES back.
for more read

As i read through the blog, I could foresee myself in that situation 2 years down the lane.
I dream, as Ozzy says, of better days. I dream of being an MBA from the IIMs....but then i question the very basic dream of mine to become an MBA by losing whatever i did in my 4 years doing BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering at BITS Pilani. The voices of scores of my teachers, relatives and well-wishers since my childhood saying "Abhilash, you are a born scientist!" echoes in the back of my cranium.

My story is of a guy who was inclined to pure sciences from a young age....comes over to this place called BITS Pilani...gains a lot of interest in business, management, entrepreneurship, finance, strategy; and now is caught in no man's land.

As on of my friends said, the best way to go about it is "Ask questions to yourself"
I have been doing this since ages. I am a deep thinker internally. Maybe the problem is I raise a lot of questions to myself!!!

As the clock ticks, so does the mind of the ali3n......


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