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Robotic Inspiration
Published by Abhilash Ravishankar on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 11:57 AMI always say
"You might call it coincidence; but I call it Providence".
I believe in Providence; i believe that whatever happens in this world (which itself is maya) , has a 'Purpose'.
So, it was when I went to CRIS (Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems) to meet my professor; inspite of having an exam the next day. Unfortunately, or I should say forunately, the professor wasn't there and he was supposed to come after 15 minutes. I thought I would wait. I strolled around the lab, when I came to a place wherein my professor had stuck up 2 emails which he had received from 2 students who have just passed out and are now in their graduate programmes in the US.
The mails thanked the professor for infusing interest in Robotics in them. One of the students now at USCR spoke about US professors perplexed at the huge churnover of VLSI / Communications engineers from India, and very few in other multi-disciplinary areas. The mails were truly inspiring, i should say. I never had any ambitions of getting into VLSI / Communications, but this really put another piece in the jigsaw puzzle that my mind is. I truly feel Robotics , Intelligent Systems, Cybernetics, Simulation are high-end areas in the future, where I would like to pursue further studies.
Going by the state, I might want to do a course on Artificial Intelligene when i return back to BITS after the winter break. One day, there would be a brilliant-yet-safe AI robot built by a team of brilliant scientists and engineers; and I would be in that team !
Yup, If I continue my graduate studies in Engineering, Robotics & Intelligent Systems it would be....
Posted by Abhilash Ravishankar
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